Because of the speed in which modern tech, factoring shoppers expect immediate responses in real time. For some business this makes real time leads the best way to connect with new clients. If a prospect has to wait a long time for the seller to get back to them with answers, they will get disinterested and move on. By leveraging our real time technology, you have the ability to immediately react to the buyer from the very start of their buying process.
Invoice Factoring Leads
With the alternative finance industry rapidly growing, it's becoming increasingly difficult to generate new invoice factoring leads. This is true whether you're a factoring company or a factoring broker. With the increase in difficulty comes higher costs per lead acquired, which eats into your bottom line. If you're a factoring broker working off slim commissions, it can be difficult to survive. That's why we've compiled this list of proven methods to generate new invoice finance leads.
Factoring Loan Leads That Close
A factoring loan lead is a prospective borrower that has creditworthy accounts receivables and wants to sell those commercial accounts/or factor the invoices to a financier is a factoring or invoice factoring loan lead.
A qualified factoring loan lead is a business that has receivables for services or products and the service and product have been completely delivered. The customers must be paying on time and not behind on any money owed to the business. Typically factoring leads are firms that have more than one customer and have more than $10,000 in accounts receivables.